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This is a common way to seat an implant crown that you may be accustomed to seeing. Even though this is a standard and accepted practice, it comes with very common and avoidable problems.

When cementing a crown over a stock, or “stick” abutment, the excess cement is forced down into the sulcus making it difficult, or even impossible, to remove. Excess cement left in the sulcus will lead to infection, inflammation, and possible implant failure.

At Miller Dental Implant Lab, we fabricate restoration driven zirconia abutments in house with the most modern technology. The result is an abutment with much higher volume and support for the crown.

With this technology, the cement gap is well away from the sulcus and can be cleaned much more easily and thoroughly. Hygiene and longevity are greatly improved!
Why should custom abutments be used in all fixed implant situations?
- Cost – With recent advances in CAD/CAM laboratory services, it’s now possible for Miller Dental Implant Laboratory to efficiently produce custom implant abutments entirely in house for the same or less cost than the manufacturers price for a stock abutment.
- Reduced risk of peri-implantitis – Implant periodontitis most commonly occurs when a stock abutment is used which leads to an over-contoured crown which results in plaque accumulation. Tissue then becomes inflamed, and over time, bone loss and implant failure can occur.
- Papilla formation – Recent studies show that if the abutment margin is located 2mm from the adjacent tooth and 4-5mm from the crest of the interproximal bone, then the papilla formation will properly fill the embrasure. With stock abutments, this is impossible to achieve.
- Easier to clean – With a stock abutment, cement is forced deep into the sulcus where it may be difficult or impossible to clean out. The ongoing presence of excess cement is a constant tissue irritant and will also contribute to peri-implantitis.
- Increased strength of the restoration – Compared to stock abutments, custom abutments routinely account for 60-70% of the crown volume, giving the crown far more support (similar to a crown on a natural tooth).
- Greater anti-rotation and stability – Due to the irregular abutment shape and greater abutment size, rotational stresses are virtually eliminated, giving the crown much greater stability.
Screw-retained implant crowns are recommended whenever possible to avoid the cement challenge altogether as well as to provide easy retrievability. This process is quick, easy, and a better long-term solution for your patients.